- There are more than 15,000 different varieties of rice.
- When lightning strikes, it immediately heats the air around the bolt
to 30,000 degrees. The surface of the sun is 10,000 degrees.
- The most-grown crop in the world, in terms of output by weight, is
(see Fruits and Vegetables)
- The average weight of a bunch of bananas is about 25 pounds.
- The male seahorse carries the developing young and gives birth.
(see Animal Groups
and Young)
- The word "stat" used in hospitals is short for "statim",
the Latin word for immediately.
- A cord of wood is a rectangular pile of wood measuring 4 ft. wide,
4 ft. high and 8 ft. long.
- The Dromedary camel has one hump, and the Bactrian camel has two.
- The age of a horse can be determined by examining its teeth.
- The rhinoceros is most closely related to the horse.
- Sea scallops are hermaphroditic.
- The part of the scallop eaten as food is the adductor muscle used
to open and close their shell.
- The name Hippopotamus comes from Greek for "River Horse".
- The Great Lakes can be remembered using the acronym HOMES: Huron,
Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.
(see United States)
- An easy way to remember the Great Lakes in order of biggest to smallest is the mnemonic: Super Man Hates Eating Oreos (Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario)
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