MIStupid.com Logo
The Online Knowledge Magazine

Link to Us

If you would like to link to the MIStupid.com home page, or another specific area of content, please use one of the following banner graphics.

Banner Graphics

To use these graphics simply right-click on one and choose "Save Picture As" to save a copy for use on your site.

88 x 31 pixels

120 x 60 pixels

125 x 125 pixels

468 x 60 pixels

Please note: If you use any of these graphics you must agree that MIStupid.com retains all ownership and trademark rights to our symbols and graphics, and that you will link the graphic to the site: http://MIStupid.com wherever they are presented on your website. MIStupid.com reserves the right to require you to remove the graphics from your website for any reason.