Anniversary Names
Anniversaries are often given names to represent their numbers. Some are
very common. Some are quite a mouthful. Here are some of the more commonly
accepted names.
Year |
Name |
2nd |
Biennial |
3rd |
Triennial |
4th |
Quadrennial |
5th |
Quinquennial |
6th |
Hexennial |
7th |
Septennial |
8th |
Octennial |
9th |
Novennial |
10th |
Decennial |
11th |
Hendecennial |
12th |
Duodecennial |
13th |
Tredecennial |
15th |
Quindecennial |
16th |
Sextodecennial |
17th |
Septendecennial |
20th |
Vigintennial |
30th |
Trigentennial |
40th |
Quadragennial |
50th |
or Jubilee |
60th |
Sexagennial |
70th |
Septuagennial |
75th |
Septuagesiquintennial |
80th |
Octogintennial |
90th |
Nonagintennial |
100th |
Centennial |
125th |
Quasquicentennial |
150th |
Sesquicentennial |
175th |
Septaquintaquinquecentennial |
200th |
Bicentennial |
225th |
Quasquibicentennial |
250th |
Semiquincentennial |
300th |
Tercentennial |
350th |
Semiseptcentennial |
400th |
Quatercentenary |
500th |
Quincentennial |
600th |
Sexcentennial |
700th |
Septcentennial |
800th |
Octocentennial |
1,000th |
Millenial |
15,000th |
Quindecimillenial |