Where It's At
by Fred Piscop

1. Bit of verbal fanfare
5. Makes better
10. Instrument for a Marx
14. "Bearded" bloom
15. Join forces
16. "Back to you"
17. Top of the standings
19. __ sci (coll. major)
20. Jack Sprat no-no
21. Muddy up
22. Up-and-comer
24. Ceramist's oven
25. "Get Smart" bad guys
26. End of one's patience, perhaps
31. Like tabloid headlines
33. Thumbs-downs
34. Prefix with natal
35. Till stack
36. Hostilities enders
38. Lasting impression
39. OCS grads
40. Koko Head island
41. Mean look
42. Yoga posture
46. "__ went thataway!"
47. "The Sweetest Taboo" singer
48. Big commotion
51. Shop sign abbr.
52. Seashell seller
55. Stoogian assault
56. Fashionable mole
59. Braxton of R&B
60. Photographer Adams
61. San __, Italy
62. "__ boy!"
63. "A-laying" Christmas gifts
64. Wilson of "Starsky & Hutch"


1. Petty quarrel
2. Bocelli delivery
3. Malicious gossip
4. Pompous sort
5. St. Peter's topper
6. Disconnect
7. Iranian money
8. List-ending abbr.
9. Slow leaks
10. Words of optimism
11. Bell-ringing cosmetics company
12. Move, in Realtor-speak
13. Strait-laced
18. Took a stab at
23. Brewer's need
24. Singer Kristofferson
25. Clove hitch or granny
26. French seaport
27. Ear's "anvil"
28. Ancient Peruvian

29. Within earshot
30. Ran like mad
31. Veg out
32. "... lamp __ my feet"
36. Lunch holder
37. Seafarer's "Hey!"
38. __ gin fizz
40. Workplace watchdog org.
41. Lightheaded
43. Perfect world
44. Units of Time
45. Be a snitch
48. Netmen's org.
49. It may thicken
50. Talk wildly
51. Move gently
52. Eject forcefully
53. Order to James
54. School on the Thames
57. Suffix with butyl
58. "Full," at a theater

Copyright © MacNamara's Band, Inc.