Across 1. "How low can you go?"
6. First-grade basics
10. Tent door
14. Dunderhead
15. Arbor Day planting
16. Tear down
17. Green pasta sauce
18. Salon job
19. Radio jock Don
20. Wild guess
23. Be short of
24. Singer Mariah
25. Movie set electrician
29. Be too sweet
31. Dumpster emanation
32. One more time
34. "Got it!"
37. Trifling amount
41. Philosopher Lao-__
42. Dangerous gas
43. Bone-dry
44. Overacting actors
45. Weapons storehouse
47. Explorer John or Sebastian
50. Like some losers
52. Salesman's entrée
58. Satirist Sahl
59. Mrs. Dithers
60. Intense passion
62. Force onward
63. Petri dish filler
64. "Marvy!"
65. Ranked player
66. "Ixnay!"
67. Trifled
Down 1. Place for gloss
2. Light bulb, in comics
3. Fail to make

4. This and that
5. "Lawrence of Arabia" star
6. Top story
7. Precipice
8. Bubble gum cost, once
9. Genesis son
10. "I'm a cop" cop
11. Truman's Missouri birthplace
12. Sky hue
13. Annoying, like a gnat
21. Road crew's supply
22. "Low-budget," in brand
25. Bearded animal
26. Says "P.S."
27. Links call
28. To's opposite
29. "High Hopes" lyricist
30. Perjure oneself
32. Added stipulations
33. Old muscle car
34. Prefix with -drome
35. Minuscule margin
36. Raggedy fellow
38. Brooklyn's __ Institute
39. "__ Sam" (Penn film)
40. Pushrod pusher
44. Showed contempt
45. "Odds __ ..."
46. Pharaoh in the insect world,
47. "The Stranger" author
48. Prior to, poetically
49. Comedic pianist Victor
50. Backpack feature
51. Windy City hub
53. Words of confidence
54. Scrapped, at NASA
55. Cookie since 1912
56. Jazz singer Anita
57. Monotonous learning
61. Lightning attractor
Copyright © Fred Piscop