Tune Color
by Fred Piscop


1. Jack of old oaters
5. Propelled, as a gondola
10. Job detail, briefly
14. Hunter's prey
15. Classic toothpaste
16. Cronyn of "Cocoon"
17. Creedence Clearwater Revival hit
19. Bone-dry
20. Seat of Orange County, Calif.
21. Force from office
23. Sault __ Marie
24. Marked for removal
25. Wile E. of cartoondom
29. St. Patrick's Day event
32. Mimic's skill
33. CBS founder William
34. Zodiac animal
37. Steam up
38. Gave the pink slip to
39. Unlikely story
40. __ Paese cheese
41. Fingerboard ridges
42. Uses a crowbar on
43. Chicago cow owner
45. Finalize, as a deal
46. Champion of choreography
48. Swimsuit top
49. University of Illinois city
51. High-steppers
56. Cow-horned goddess
57. Bobby Vinton hit
59. In need of liniment
60. Grub or maggot
61. Elton John musical
62. Pulls the plug on
63. Long-plumed wader
64. Artful dodge


1. Dairy dozen
2. Zhivago's love
3. Sermon closer
4. Bump into
5. Software swiper
6. Voice one's views
7. Fuji flow
8. Ending with ethyl
9. Resurrected Dodge model
10. Contoured
11. Prince hit
12. Griffith of the ring
13. Handed over
18. Mean-spirited
22. Jazz singer Anita
25. Potato or pasta, to a marathoner
26. Aunt Bee's charge
27. Mills Brothers hit
28. Iron pyrites, e.g.
29. It may be crashed
30. Pub stock
31. Checkers side
33. Marina walkway
35. A Baldwin
36. Fit well together
38. Lobster __ Diavolo
39. Angular opening?
41. Plant with fronds
42. Make smooth, in a way
44. Auto deals
45. Piece of neckwear
46. False front
47. Bean on stage
48. Alla __ (2/2 time)
50. Up to the job
51. Contented sound
52. Thunder sound
53. Satan's doings
54. Spruce up
55. Don't fold
58. Fall behind

Copyright © Fred Piscop