Sticking Your Nose into Everything
by Fred Piscop


1. Russian-built fighter
4. Prestigious prizes since 1901
10. Farmland unit
14. Chowed down
15. Lucky charm
16. Extinct cousins of the ostrich
17. Suffix with loyal or royal
18. Tiny slices of time
20. On a tilt
22. Rap's __ Boys
23. Seville "so long"
24. A whole lot
25. Sought a seat
26. German auto pioneer Karl
27. Mongrel dogs
29. Macbeth's title
31. Actress Blanchett
32. Three-time Burmese prime minister
33. Nest egg initials
34. "It's been ages!"
39. Partner of food and lodging
40. Luau chow
41. "__ Nagila"
43. Mr. Doubleday
46. Bivouac shelter
47. Blast-furnace materials
48. Curly poker
49. Ox's burden
51. Kama __
52. Denomination minted in Italy, once
54. "I couldn't care less" attitude
56. Overlooked by the doctor
58. Former "Tonight Show" bandleader Severinsen
60. Cleopatra's river
61. Former Speaker of the House Tip
62. Santa __ winds
63. Driving test taker, usually
64. 2000 Olympics city
65. Ginza cash


1. __ tai (rum drink)
2. Words accompanying a handshake, perhaps
3. Gains an acceptance from
4. Grannies
5. Muscat's land
6. Lay one down, in baseball
7. "Don't Bring Me Down" rockers
8. Sappho's island
9. Dutch painter Jan
10. Tori or Wally
11. The Iran-__ affair
12. About 57 degrees, mathematically
13. Dead Sea Scrolls scribe
19. Bearded former world leader
21. Smith Brothers unit
23. "Lost" network
24. Satchmo's instrument
27. Bags a class
28. Introduction to sex?
30. Discuss thoroughly
33. "What's __ for me?"
35. Deadhead icon Jerry
36. Billion years
37. Environmentalists' celebration
38. The whole gang
42. Thick-brick link
43. Sum total
44. Clyde's partner in crime
45. It may be in a groove
46. Auto gear system, informally
50. Peloponnesian city
51. In a somber way
53. Bank claim
54. M __ "mnemonic"
55. Brazilian soccer legend
57. UK lexicon
59. Recyclable item


Copyright © Fred Piscop