"Pay Up!"
by Fred Piscop

1. "Matter of Fact" columnist Joseph
6. E-mailed, say
10. Adds turf to
14. Number-picking game
15. Song for a diva
16. Make ready, for short
17. Two movies for the price of one
19. New York stage award
20. Columnist Coulter
21. Just-for-fun activity
22. Lead into temptation
24. Current carrier
25. Made bootees, maybe
26. Decrease
29. Shoreline protector
30. __-trump (bridge bid)
31. Copenhagen native
32. "Now, where __ I?"
35. Pre-employment investigation
39. Publicity, slangily
40. Start of a choose-up rhyme
41. Take another stab
42. Exercise, as influence
44. Breaks down grammatically
45. Does a winter chore
48. Cries out loud
49. Thanksgiving Day spectacle
50. Job detail, briefly
51. GI-entertaining gp.
54. Threw the bull
55. Word processor's number aligner
58. Burn remedy
59. Lendl of the courts
60. New Hampshire campus
61. "Guarding __" (MacLaine movie)
62. Partner of rank and serial number
63. Op-ed piece, e.g.


1. Pierce portrayer
2. Bird on a Canadian dollar
3. Knock senseless
4. Horse players' hangout: Abbr.
5. Frog-to-be
6. Buffalo skater
7. Composer Satie
8. Zilch
9. Interesting to a scout
10. Lacking consistency
11. Sputnik's path
12. Spread salt on, maybe
13. Risk a citation
18. Bring home
23. Little louse
24. Policy __ (D.C. maven)
25. Saxman __ G
26. Mongolian desert
27. __ even keel
28. Swabbie's workplace

29. Short trip
31. Busy folks
32. Hoses down
33. Field measure
34. "The __ the limit!"
36. Pulled onto the boat
37. Baltimore seafood treat
38. Towel word
42. Gives the slip to
43. Crossed out
44. Limerick, for one
45. Pie-in-the-face sound
46. Ethiopia's __ Selassie
47. Twistable cookies
48. __-tingling (eerie)
50. Shell game
51. Beehive State Indians
52. Yemen's capital
53. Do as directed
56. One of the Gabors
57. Guitarist __ Paul

Copyright © MacNamara's Band, Inc.