Laughing It Up
by Fred Piscop


1. Have braking problems
5. Plant firmly
10. Nightclub of song
14. Taylor of "Six Feet Under"
15. Rita Hayworth title role
16. A Baldwin
17. Cobblers' tools
18. Offerer of insincere greetings
20. Catchall abbreviation
21. Catch in the act
22. "Mule Train" singer Frankie
23. Waffle maker
25. Paris Hilton, for one
27. Without a care
31. Bonaparte's punishment
32. Court star Arthur
33. Fruit center
36. "Or __!"
37. Simply smashing
39. Show anger
40. "Black-eyed" veggie
41. Philandering sort
42. Visit unexpectedly
43. Carnival ride with organ music
46. Submits an amended return
49. Safire piece, once
50. Speedy train
51. "Hail!"
52. It's clenched
56. Flag for Captain Kidd
59. Mental invention
60. Skin care substance
61. Fictional Scarlett
62. High-five sound
63. Subtle flavor
64. Woes for toes
65. Call to Fido


1. __-dunk
2. New Zealand bird
3. Causes of misery
4. Faithful follower
5. Seasonal quaff
6. Alyssa of "Who's the Boss?"
7. Talk too much
8. Former Leno announcer Hall
9. Morse T
10. One who sings to the cops
11. Nostalgic number
12. Hammer parts
13. The 40 of "the back 40"
19. Much the same
24. Ham holder
25. Corn covering
26. Tunnel effect
27. Dickens's hateful clerk
28. Trucker's toll unit
29. Galileo's home
30. Cagney's TV partner
33. __ platter (Chinese menu choice)
34. Remark while anteing
35. Take care of
37. Like poor losers
38. Yours and mine
39. Salmon and trout, for two
41. Pass-the-baton race
42. Lead-in for law or med
43. Forage grass
44. Wield authority
45. "Manon" and "Carmen"
46. Big Indian
47. Gastroenteritis cause, maybe
48. One facing life, maybe
51. Gelling substance
53. Not in use
54. Mark with a branding iron
55. Piece of Watergate evidence
57. Bird in "Arabian Nights"
58. Exclamation of discovery


Copyright © Fred Piscop