Across 1. Like a lot
6. Figure skater Katarina
10. Say "!@#$%"
14. Garbo line ender
15. Bar mitzvah dance
16. Declare openly
17. Escapades
18. School on the Thames
19. Stubborn beast
20. Part of the system that produces
white blood cells
22. Trudge along
23. Nettle
24. Simple hydrocarbon
26. Natty of "The Leather-
Stocking Tales"
30. Bend over backwards?
32. Jacob's twin
33. Small songbird
35. Windows typeface
39. Six years, for a senator
40. Washday units
42. Treater's words
43. Highly skilled
45. Reason to cancel school
46. Home furnishings chain
47. One of us
49. Nantucket, for one
51. Cost, slangily
54. Volcanic output
55. March 17th slogan word
56. Beethoven, notably
63. Bankroll
64. Coal-rich region
65. Quebec's __ Peninsula
66. Genesis victim
67. Ticklish Muppet
68. Set free
69. Gross minus net, to a trucker
70. Baseball's Dizzy or Daffy
71. Middays

Down 1. It may be unmitigated
2. Oil of __ (cosmetics brand)
3. Dressmaker's dummy
4. Like a GI peeling spuds
5. Send again
6. Spiral-shelled critter
7. I, as in Ithaca?
8. Sci-fi film of '82
9. Bicycle built for two
10. Emollient in some skin creams
11. That thing hanging from your palate
12. Wise Athenian
13. Ingmar or Ingrid Bergman
21. Sound of an empty stomach
25. Unfilled, on a TV sched.
26. Early VCR format
27. Played for a sap
28. Stable mother
29. Service station attendant's fistful
30. Rimes of country
31. __-European (language group)
34. Parks in 1955 news
36. "__ Dinka Doo"
37. Sermon closer
38. X-ray vision thwarter
41. Swing-and-a-miss sound
44. Harbor workhorse
48. __ up (erred)
50. Japanese bigwig of old
51. Make more lean
52. Resort spot off Venezuela
53. Worker with a pick
54. Golf green surrounder
57. Dubya's school
58. Doll's cry
59. Prefix meaning "one-
60. Analogy words
61. Wash cycle
62. Shirts with slogans