Board Meeting
by Fred Piscop

1. La __ (Milan opera house)
6. Morning waker-upper
11. Wee bit
14. Give the OK to
15. Like "The Twilight Zone" episodes
16. It needs refinement
17. Turnstile insert
19. Corrida cheer
20. Washington defeated them at Trenton
21. Zigzagging ski course
23. La-la lead-in
24. Plant life
25. Packed down
29. Y-sporting collegian
30. Pulls the plug on
33. Oscar or Emmy
34. Mideast's Gulf of __
35. "__ Hear a Waltz?"
36. Brewski buy
37. Crime boss's nickname
38. Dumpster emanation
39. Repair shop fig.
40. Genesis victim
41. Queeg's ship
42. "Us" rival
44. Get __ of (toss)
45. Lustrous fabric
46. Ignited again
48. Suffix with chariot
49. UCLA's conference
51. Following orders
56. Notable time
57. Teller of tall tales
59. Make public
60. Try to locate
61. Sprang up
62. Young fellow
63. Worm-__ (decrepit)
64. Gospel legend Houston


1. Pageant attire
2. Whodunit board game
3. Priestly garments
4. Stock market dips
5. Sat up for
6. MetLife rival
7. Some summer births
8. Two-by-two craft
9. White wine grape
10. __ Park (Edison lab site)
11. Words in machine shop names
12. Folkie Guthrie
13. Consider
18. The "Y" in NIMBY
22. "__ we there yet?"
24. Thresher's tool
25. "Be silent," in music
26. Up to one's ears
27. Visa competitor

28. Opposite of post-
29. War reporter, e.g.
31. Blackmore's Lorna
32. Signal to pull over
34. Travel like Sputnik
37. One way to serve mussels
38. Granola bit
41. Heart-related
43. Ran into
45. Escape slowly
47. MacArthur victory site
48. "Barnaby Jones" star Buddy
49. Ring out
50. Opera highlight
51. Fairy tale starter
52. Crucifix letters
53. Slaughter in Cooperstown
54. Legendary loch
55. Deuce beater
58. Lab maze runner

Copyright © MacNamara's Band, Inc.