by Fred Piscop |
Across 1. Norm for Nicklaus4. Thai's neighbor 7. Mach I breaker 10. Cost-of-living stat 13. Bullring "Bravo!" 14. First Burmese prime minister 15. Debtor's letters 16. Hasty escape 17. Model builder's buy 18. __ to (begins to like) 20. Psychic's claim 21. "Decline and Fall" satirist 23. Berne's river 24. Sandwich purveyor 25. Clean-air org. 26. "... __ can't get up!" 27. Mr. Magoo player of 1997 32. Walk, as through mud 33. Like some fingerprints 34. Polo Grounds hero Mel 37. Addis Ababa's land: Abbr. 38. Take a load off 39. Govt. lawyers 40. Strong points 42. Snake's posture 44. Hall of Fame quarterback known for "scrambling" 48. Give off 49. Sweetie 50. Intense craving 53. Stimpy's pal 54. "Trees" poet 58. U-turn from WSW 59. Card catalog names 60. I'll __ monkey's uncle!" 61. I-95, e.g. 62. "Sort of" suffix 63. Matchsticks game 64. Actor __ "Kookie" Byrnes |